Wednesday, 25 November 2015

7even Textual analysis

In the film ‘7even’ starring Brad Pitt and Morgan freeman (them being the first characters we see right at the beginning) many different camera shots/angles and movements are used in order to portray a normal man, with a normal life, however, a canted angles was used when showing the man’s (Morgan freeman) jacket. The jacket it very well ordered on this bed, he spots a hair and picks it up, suggested his life is very ordered and he likes things to be very structured, this links in with the fact this is house shot as the beginning using a establishing shot is very simple and has nothing personal in it, e.g. pictures, it just has the basics, there’s nothing personal or character to the house, it’s just simply a place where he sleeps.

The title sequence is super imposed with different documents layering each other with rapid cuts and strobing showing how hectic and busy his life is and that he works very hard. However, this could also suggest something suspicious about him due to the fact the camera cut from it being on him sleeping, to suspicious crime based documents, whether that’s him trying to find out the killer, or him being the killer….
I think the sound of the ticking was very interesting within the opening of seven as the ticking leads straight into the opening credits and fits right into the rhythm, The use of the ticking going straight into the title sequence could show that the man and the killer have similar thought process and gathered thoughts, this could also suggest that he knows/is/or is going to find out who the killer is. I think the use of the ticking noise is showing the order he needs and clear thoughts, he seems like an intelligent man as he has to have a clear mind, and gathered thoughts, the fact that the audience can tell he’s an intelligent man and the ticking goes into the title sequence could also show the killer is intelligent but both use it for different reasons.