I think that within my group, we overall did a good job of our preliminary task, it included a shot/reverse shot, match on action and 180 degree rule, I think the story of it was engaging, and the use of the 'to be continued' part leaves the viewer on edge. I think the use of the close-ups are funny as the facial expressions are over dramatic making it seem as though we are almost mocking the situation yet we still 'fight' or more like Charlie throws me on the ground. I think our finished version was successful mostly because of the backing music, it makes it funnier as it starts off with a calm old fashioned silent movie feel to it, then goes into a dramatic chase, we never planned on adding the music in and adding the 'beep' on top of the swearing but I think if we didn't add the different sound clips, it wouldn't have been as funny and may have been taken more seriously than intended.
I think when planning for the task was one of the easiest parts of the task as we all the members of my group had similar idea's to me, so we just improved on this by adding the 'silent' conversation between Brooke and Charlie but due to her facial expressions we knew as a viewer, something was about to happen , the only props needed were a bad in which Charlie ripped off and a bag for Brooke when walking down the corridor in which they both already had, and a phone for me which (obviously) I already had. I also think we managed our time very well, as each lesson in which we filmed, we left time at the end to upload any clips making sure non of them where lost so we wouldn't have to re-film any, I think if we didn't do this, we may have finished quicker but the clips may have been lost or saved in a place we don't remember because we were rushing. It only took us 3 lessons to film the clips, and that's including re-takes as we (occasionally) had a giggle when the camera got too close to us...
Within the scenes we used a lot of close-ups and mid shots, I think this made it more comical as it showed our expressions which were over exaggerated on purpose to emphasise the humour of the situation rather than it being serious which made it less awkward and easier to act and also less toe curling for the viewer (i.e. our friends owps). I really enjoyed making the preliminary task is enabled us to get used to working together and sharing roles when editing and filming and also giving each person within the group a go at the 'acting' side to it.
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