Friday 29 January 2016

Our practice piece

One of our group members decided to go to Widderson spring woods in which we hope to film our final thriller film in, and did a practice piece with our main actor Bertie. This was to give us a initial idea of the potential shots we could use and help us to decide an appropriate time of day as we're using natural light for our film but as it becomes darker earlier this time of year, we have to test when a good time to film would be. Here they used Windows movie maker to edit all the clips together, which isn't the same programme we will be using in our final thriller, but for this practice piece I think it is helpful just to use in order to visualise and give us a hint of how it may look. I think higher quality of equipment will help us to achieve a more realistic opening and make it seem more professional, here, only an IPhone was used to shoot this and so won't be as high quality as a DSLR.

This was filmed at around 4:30-5:00pm which I think is too late to film as we're lacking natural light, we aim to try avoid the use of artificial lighting and so I think if we film around 2-3 pm it still is getting darker, but not too dark to the point where we struggle to see and have to use aftereffects to brighten up the film.

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