Sunday 31 January 2016

Cabin in the woods research

So our film uses Cabin in the woods as an inspiration for the type of atmosphere we want to create for our audience. Even though Cabin in the woods is a horror film, it still uses key conventions such as dark lighting, quick shots and the different angles and shots which we aim to use during our film in order to give it more of a scary and thrilling atmosphere.
Cabin in the woods is about Five friends who go for a break at a remote cabin in the woods, where they get more than they bargained for. Together, they must discover the truth behind the cabin in the woods. I feel even though this film is a horror, in some aspects the lighting is more softer and gives a brighter feel to it contrasting with the scary elements to the film, making them even scarier as the audience is aware that its not the norm.
Similarly to the Cabin in the woods, we have a similar target audience. I found research that suggested that 65% of the audience for Cabin in the woods were from teens to young adults making this the most significant as the next highest was 25-35 which was only 26%. This clearly shows that younger people from teens to young adults will most stereotypically be attracted to this genre of the film.
A Souls redemption uses similar themes as Cabin in the woods. Themes related around the devil and sin can often be attractive to young audiences as they contain many real life enigmas which enhance entertainment for certain people. I think taking this into account it will help us to produce our film. However, we also have to take into account that Cabin in the woods is a thriller and even though we have similar ambitions to create something similar to Cabin in the woods, our task is to create a thriller so we need to make sure that we don't make it as scary and gory.

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